Zodiac Constellation Pendants
Zodiac is an imaginary belt on the celestial sphere in which are the paths of the sun, of the moon and of the five planets of the solar system. It is divided since antiquity into 12 parts named "signs of the Zodiac" which bear the names of the constellations.
Your astrological sign is determined by the place of the sun in the Zodiac at the time of your birth. This sign confers you certain number of characteristics appropriate for your personality.
These stainless steel pendants are decorated with strass crystals and supplied on a black cotton cord, 42 cm long, with a clasp and 5 cm regulation chain extension. Every necklace is presented on a bilingual card (English and French), describing the attributes of the sign. Display for 48 pieces (each reference by 4) available.
Gemini TZC03 May 22 - June 21 Size (cm): 3 x 5,2 [Product Details...] Price:     |
Cancer TZC04 June 22 - July 23 Size (cm): 3 x 5,2 [Product Details...] Price:     |
Virgo TZC06 August 24 - September 23 Size (cm): 3 x 5,2 [Product Details...] Price:     |
Sagittarius TZC09 November 23 - December 22 Size (cm): 3 x 5,2 [Product Details...] Price:     |